EINs and Resale Certificates

What is an EIN?

The Employer Identification Number (EIN), is also known as the Federal Employer Identification Number or the Federal Tax Identification Number. This number is assigned by the Internal Revenue Service to identify business entities for tax purposes. Our platform is for business use only and requires an EIN for partnership.

What is a Resale Certificate?

A resale certificate is a document that confirms that a business is an authorized reseller. LePrix is required to collect resale certificates to enable our partners to purchase tax exempt products as tax will be collected when products are sold by your business to your clients. Please refer to the information below to learn more about how to stay compliant with your state’s regulations. A multi-state resale certificate form, also known as Uniform Resale Certificate (URC) or Streamlined Certificate, allows a business to purchase items from multiple states with tax exemption. These forms allow businesses to provide a single document to suppliers in different states, instead of obtaining a separate resale certificate for each state. They are typically used by businesses that operate in multiple states and want to streamline their tax exempt purchasing process. By obtaining a multi-state resale certificate form, businesses may stay compliant with the different state laws. *Disclaimer: The information provided here is for informational purposes only. Please review and discuss the appropriate forms to provide with your tax and/or legal advisors.

State Government Website Resale Document State Registration Requirement Expiration Timeframe State Verification Link Multi-form
Alabama Website Must Apply No Never Website URC